Be Original To Get Started on the Road to Success

George Wallace
4 min readJan 15, 2018

Go to any document about starting a business and it has the same advice. It sounds so easy that everyone should do it. But that is the aim to have lots of entrepreneurs that pay lots of tax to keep the economy going. Reality is a lot different having gone through the start up phase several times this is the advice that I follow as an experienced entrepreneur. Its not the same as the experts advice. You have to be Original not a Clone.

Be Original

Everyone has a person that they like to follow and copy to reach the same giddy heights that they have reached. This is a great starting point. It lets you build an infrastructure for your business based on what your idol did. This is a good starting point it shows you what you want to produce, but it has to be at a smaller scale than your idol.

Once you have built your infrastructure then you let go become original. What you produce has to be based on what you are capable of doing not your idol. Your idol can reply to questions that you will have no idea about. If you are asked the same question then you would be stumped and your reputation would be severely damaged.

You have your style and way of talking and working that is unique to you. Stick to that and become yourself. be Original.

Spend Spend Spend

When you create your company unless you go as a small trader you are exposed to big businesses. These big businesses are out to make lots of money from you. Advertise in our magazine. A special frame to hang your company certificate in. A book full of forms that are something you will need to not break UK law and get fined. Exhibit at this show guaranteed to get you thousands of customers. A loan to help you out. The majority are complete nonsense. Very few are of any use what so ever. Take my advice and ignore them do not waste your cash on any of it.

Keep your money in your pocket. Your aim is to start making some money doing what you set your company up to do. The beautiful framed company certificate may be a source of inspiration but it does not put any money into your pocket. Better to spend your money on a website where people can see you. Use Fiverr to do some work for you. Get your logo created at Fiverr. Check out the reviews of the people who have high ratings. They are normally very good. One of my logos was created on Fiverr and its doing fine thank you. It cost me $5.

Your aim is to build your money in the bank to pay for later work and not leave a huge hole in your pocket. The other thing to beware of is change. After a few presentations you may find that you are doing something wrong. This is very common. You have to make some changes to your presentations. Imagine you had spent £1000 on a promotion only to find it was wrong. Be prudent with your spending.

It’s All About Me

You will receive invites to attend networking events. Be careful some are good but others you cannot hear yourself speak. Dip your toe into the water and see what they are like. Lots of them are full of people who ask what you do as a matter of curtsey all they are interested in is the sound of their own voice. They will try anything to sell you something. One networking event I went to had an excellent breakfast that I thoroughly enjoyed. There was no chance of selling anything to anyone. On working that out just went for the breakfast and a chat. It was a good social experience.

When you do attend events be prepared, speak about what you do, your vision, your goals and what you can do for anyone now be genuine. You never know who is listening to you. Never forget your business cards. They are your introductory tool.

Use Social Media to talk about yourself. But remember that talking about business with every post is boring. Send out a business post every fourth or fifth post. Answer questions to show off your knowledge. You never know who is watching. Make videos about your subject to show off your skills. When creating a post use a picture and on Facebook use the emoticon to show how you are feeling.

Write your journal every morning. Use the journal to plan your day, don’t worry too much when you first start but you will find out what you will use your journal for as you keep on using it. Write down your goals every day in your journal and they will become ingrained in your head. Think about your plans for the next day before going to sleep. In the morning after journal writing do some work to get towards your goals before even looking at emails or social media.

Keep reading every day. The more you read the more knowledgeable you become, your writing and talking will improve.

Enjoy It

Have fun and goals will be met very quickly

Originally published at on January 15, 2018.



George Wallace

I am an author, love writing try to publish at least three time s a week. Freelance Writer