Unleashing the real you from your limited mindset

George Wallace
5 min readFeb 6, 2018

Limited mindset means that people never really get to their true potential.

Things don’t change you change you have to drive the change in your mindset.

Most people do not show the potential that they are capable of due to their mindset. The limits that are set in their mindset are low. They are set to the limits that society has set for them.

99% of people do not get anywhere near their potential. It has been drummed into them that they are not capable of success so they head for mediocre levels.

The majority of people are fighting for the scraps that the other 99% have left. They are looking to beat their friends. They are not interested in personal success.

The limits that people have are set at an early stage of their lives as children. They believe that these are the limits that they have to abide to since their parents and teachers set them. They had to abide with the rules. I can remember the pupils in my class being hit with a ruler since they were writing with their left hand. You have to use your right hand the teacher shouted and hit them again.

You have to break free of the shackles that have been placed on your mindset and get rid of the negative mindset.

Your childhood placed the most powerful limits on you

The limits that were placed upon us as a child have the most profound effect on us. Our parents may have been go ahead and wanting you to think laterally. But the chances are your parents had the mindset of society placed upon them. They passed them down to you. Not because you did something wrong, but they knew no better.

I became a very nervous child with being constantly shouted at. I developed a stutter that was bad. I still stutter a bit but do daring things like public speaking to better myself and to make me improve.

My childhood was not great, kicked out of school at 15 and informed by the rector that I would be no good at anything. That was the biggest kick up the bottom I have ever had. From that moment I decided I was going to succeed and go back and see the rector and show him what I had done. This changed my mindset a bit but it did not set me fully free. I was still carrying baggage but better than I was.

Getting out of negative mindsets

The first step to getting rid of a negative mindset is recognising that you have a negative mindset. Determine what is holding you back in your life:- relationships, finances, ability, belief and career. Once you have done that you can move forward to overcome them.

You cannot change what you don’t recognise but once you are aware of the negative areas then you can move forward and reverse them.

Mediocrity comes from three toxic mindsets

These are the fixed mindset, the scarcity mindset and the entertainment mindset.

The Fixed Mindset has you believing that you cannot change and that is it. This mindset is wrong you can change you can become exactly what you want to be. You have to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Scarcity To Abundance Mindset

There is only enough for you, take what you can and run for it. That is the scarcity mindset. This mindset will have you scrambling for whatever crumbs you can get each day.

There is not a limited number of prizes each day. The number is unlimited.

Entertainment to Education Mindset

People seek entertainment as a distraction they want to bury themselves away from reality. Like going to the cinema to watch an entertaining film. But awesome people seek education and learning. Went to see the Churchill film Darkest Hour some people thought it was boring and fell asleep. It was a huge lesson to me about politics and strategy.

You have to work on focus and growth, not mindless entertainment. Most people use entertainment wrongly. They are constantly tuned into music all day or some other form of entertainment like playing games.

You should focus on learning, growing, growing and creating. This avoids you stagnating and lets you become a great version of yourself constantly evolving.

Far becoming a sheep following everyone else be different. Break the mindset and break the mould.

Society that has been created by Governments trains you to operate at a low level and never improve. Schools teach you about the 9 to 5 workday and entertainment to keep you at a mediocre level with their broken education system.

Most people want to be a sheep. Keep their heads down and fly under the radar and would never dream of putting their heads above the parapet to be shot at.

Your self-beliefs are wrong

The majority of people drift through life without using any effort to thinking about what they actually want to do.

The low levels of self-belief are due to society.

You need to take a hard look at yourself and start to believe in yourself and start to educate yourself. Have a five year plan of where you want to be in 5 years’ time and how you are going to get there.

Start a journal. Update it every day with your goals. Make it about 5 or 6 goals. The goals will change but your morning ritual of getting up early and writing your journal will have a profound effect on you. Your days will become more structured and you will have an aim of where you are going to.

Your reading and education will assist you in expanding your mind. Life will become enjoyable again. You will no longer be a sheep following the herd aimlessly.

To be successful you have to give up lots of bits of a normal life and an extraordinary life will appear.

Do not be afraid of the future


Most people believe they will live their lives as normal beings. Try climbing a mountain there are always more ridges and ridges until you finally get to the summit.

You will attract critics by your knowledge, it will ruffle some feathers. You can comment on things you would previously never have the confidence to speak up about before.

The difference between the master (you) and the worker is the worker seeks completion while the master does actions with the intention of discovery.


Most people have limiting mindsets. They live their lives working 9–5 and entertaining themselves. They keep their heads down and never speak out.

Releasing your mindset is your responsibility no one else can do it for you. If you don’t then you will never fulfil your potential.

Aim to get to the next level and keep on growing. Learning never ends, the finish of your education gets you into the next level of education. You either go to the 9 to 5 mentality or you start to grow. Which one will you choose?

George Wallace is an Author and LinkedIn Expert



George Wallace

I am an author, love writing try to publish at least three time s a week. Freelance Writer